Monday, 12 September 2011

Design Laws and Success

Development is based on innovation, therefore creativity. Design comes as a natural, yet efficient mean in order to reach sustainable developments. The cross-cultural aspect of design is the multi-cultural essence of creativity. But before defining design in its theoretical and practical meanings, let us first understand the concept of law and essential aspect of success.
One of the most relevant writings in our concern defining the concept of success is the Deepak Chopra one, in his famous book, The seven spiritual laws of success "There are many aspects to success, material wealth is only one component. Moreover, success is a journey, not a destination." Therefore, success comes as a process, a design process by the theoretical aspect of design. On the other hand, "Law is the process by which the unmanifest becomes the manifest". The power of design lies in the creative thinking by the intelligent planning, and the skillful contextual practice. It is more than just a tool to tempt the eye. Design, on the international scale is thought of from a solution-centric approach. Each aspect of social, economic, industrial and educational systems are being processed by national policies for sustainable success driving knowledge creation, cutting edge science and research and international competitiveness through design process. Countries like the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, United States, to name a few have stepped towards bringing design-led to help governments re-think what they do, recharge the economy and re-invent services. In the past decade, the Lebanese creative market has known a tremendous growth and spread among the region. These market demands have evolved to include sectors that were not as prevalent before, on both public and governmental level. In the other hand, the gap stayed in the design approach to government development and how design was practiced and known to the society. The design-led innovation countries such as Lebanon is in need for such an approach to recreate developments on the national levels. Design comes with solutions sustainable for creative societies such as the Lebanese one, unique by instinct, cross-cultural by nature knowing the vernacular aspect of the Lebanese society who is driving the knowledge industry once again considering creativity as the core, an led by design processes consciously or unconsciously. The aspect and expectations of the Lebanese mindset forms an unexploited basis on the national scale, yet a successful one on the individual scale. Therefore, we must look after a vision that will deviate these potentials from an individual-centric success stories towards a community oriented one. This vision, is not an objective or a goal to be achieved, it is a process to be followed. It is succeeding by design.

August 2011.

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